
Friday, November 26, 2010

Hello!  This is a new team blog made under much stress and anxiety mostly on Emma's part, because it's really really hard to figure out how to use Angela's computer and the internet is a confusing place full of html and fear.

It's like we're Gollum, but two people. Trippy, right?!

Anywayyys.  It's our first post, so we're going to write about awesome things in the hopes that people other than us will follow it, because we're the only people who follow each other's respective blogs.  You should also check those out too, by the way.

Check out Angela's blog over at Little Motel or follow her on twitter. where she is known under the alias of @_PaperThinWalls.

Emma used to have a blog here, but she doesn't anymore, much to the eternal sadness of all the internet, especially Robby D. BUT, she is on Twitter at @emmaemmadilemma

Social Networking is delicious.

We might link to this stuff on the side of our blog eventually, if the technology gods should choose to smile upon us some day. That is doubtful, however, because Emma just spent like an eternity trying to link to them here. What a loser, love Angela.  

PS. I didn't write this.  Emma is turning this post into Fight Club.  I am so scared of pipe bombs and Brad Pitt right now.  What if it turns out that I'm Brad Pitt!?  Oh God, I don't want to be married to Angelina Jolie!  And have eight(een) children.

Also, our names are part of our imaginary roller derby team/book club. If you want to join, you better have a good literature inspired nickname. You have been warned.

So, pretty much, from now on, we'll be putting random, crazy stuff here. There'll probably be lots of awesome, and books, and Kool-Aid, and shanking, and pizza, and pictures, and schizophrenia, and fun stuff.

Also, Ang, talking about Fight Club?! WHAT'S THE FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB?!?!?! THAT'S WHAT i THOUGHT!

So, uh, yeah, stay tuned! Or call the authorities. We don't know your lives....

Warmest Regards for this Holiday Season,
Shanksspeare (Angela)
Edgar Allen Foe (Emma)


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